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NHL Thread (formerly Screw The NHL!!)


Well-known member
I find it kind of interesting that from what I've read fans posting on message boards seem to side with the owners while the professional journalists seem to side more with the players. Hopefully they will get it settled very soon and have peace for an extended period of time. It sounds like there may actually be hope at this point.


New member
I find it kind of interesting that from what I've read fans posting on message boards seem to side with the owners while the professional journalists seem to side more with the players. Hopefully they will get it settled very soon and have peace for an extended period of time. It sounds like there may actually be hope at this point.

Personally both sides can kiss my ass and the issue that the fans have is that you have 4th line guys who are b!tching about money when they are making 500k a year at the minimum , I have never seen two sides who are so clueless as all of the owners and NHLPA are, it's just laughable.

It sounds like they are close to getting a deal done that all of these knuckleheads could have got DONE months ago and that is just pathetic, if a deal does get done then we all get to see crap hockey where guys will get hurt left and right because nobody will be able to get into game shape in the less than two weeks of "training camp" that they are going to get.

Far or not if a deal doesn't get done the fans will put the blame on the NHLPA.


New member
When it comes to the locket between players and officials i am on mike fisher side and all of the other players that have deals made.


New member
The players need to quit complaining about money and contract length when, like James said, even the worst 4th line guys and nightly scratches are pulling in 500,000. Even rookies in baseball(the sport where people routinely make 15-20 million a year without anyone even flinching) are only making about 400k, and I guarantee you fan support for baseball is a HELL of a lot higher than hockey. And when guys like Kovalchuk, Zetterberg, etc are pulling in 10+ year deals and guys like Rick freaking DiPietro who aren't even that good are getting 15 years and 60 million +, then no one has any room to complain. Something needs to be done.

On the other hand, the owners need to shut the hell up too because before this lockout fan support was probably the highest it's been in decades and for the most part(teams like Florida, Columbus, Phoenix, etc. are struggling but that's because they aren't in hockey markets) they're rolling in the cash.

It's total greed on both sides and the only people hurting because of the lockout is the fans.


New member

Good job on finally getting a deal done. :rolleyes:

If both sides were not more concerned with who has the bigger stick, they could have got this deal done months ago and PLEASE don't either you give us your total BS "were sorry to the fans" nonsense that any fan with a lick of sense knows is total garbage.

They want to say they are sorry to someone say your sorry to the people who work at arenas who you screwed out of paychecks.


Active member
Lockout is over yeah. If they had compromised earlier it would have been done long ago. The mediator was instrumental in getting the deal done.


New member
Still a little skeptical about supporting the league after 2 lockouts in a short amount of time. But the NBA being a joke and OSU basketball being terrible this year, it will be nice to have the Red Wings to hold me over until baseball starts!


Well-known member
So do games start this week, or what? Confused. lol

But happy for Carrie and Mike. He is no longer an umemployed bum with a Sugar Mama. lol Kidding.


New member
So do games start this week, or what? Confused. lol

But happy for Carrie and Mike. He is no longer an umemployed bum with a Sugar Mama. lol Kidding.

The deal isn't official yet, and they haven't decided if they're going with 48 or 50 games. 48 game season would started January 19th and a 50 game season would start January 15th.

Either way, not enough training camp time. We're going to be seeing A LOT of injuries and a lot of bad hockey early on.


New member
The deal isn't official yet, and they haven't decided if they're going with 48 or 50 games. 48 game season would started January 19th and a 50 game season would start January 15th.

Either way, not enough training camp time. We're going to be seeing A LOT of injuries and a lot of bad hockey early on.

You mean that week of training camp will not be enough time for guys to be ready to go play. lol

I see a lot of "lower body" injuries happening in the first two weeks of the seasons and with the season only going to be 48 or 50 games teams that get off to a really bad start are going to be toast.


Well-known member
Several players have tweeted how fat they are. lol Good think Mike kept in shape all along. Carrie said he was diligent about it.