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NHL Thread (formerly Screw The NHL!!)


just another fan


Active member
went to the Penguins scrimmage game last night and the crowd was insane, up to 18,000 fans attended, more than Consol can even hold and we got there just when the puck dropped and it was standing room only, but we managed to get into the box suites since they opened them up for the fans as was a good scrimmage game and some of the lines looked really good out there on the ice, I cannot wait for the season to start


New member
The Red Wings have no D. No big shock considering it was bad last year and then Lidstrom AND Stuart are good. More disconcerting is they also have no offense......

I'm just going to pretend the lockout never ended and sleep til baseball season.


just another fan
The Red Wings have no D. No big shock considering it was bad last year and then Lidstrom AND Stuart are good. More disconcerting is they also have no offense......

I'm just going to pretend the lockout never ended and sleep til baseball season.

just awful. how the heck does a team give up 2 breakaway goals when on the penalty kill?!?!?!