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NHL Thread (formerly Screw The NHL!!)


New member
any team that gets 3 consecutive top overall picks in a row better be good in a few years.

its incredible how a team can suck for so long and become good mainly because they tanked for so long.

The good thing for them is by the time they have to pay all those guys they will either have a new arena in Edmonton or they will be someplace else.


New member
As some philly fan said the game against us will be a good game to get back to 500 and Im like HUH???? have you seen your defense and our offense? were gonna light you up like a firecracker

quoting myself from earlier I think this is a good description



New member
You'd think they'd want to take care of the Phoenix/Florida/Edmonton problems first. And then make absolutely sure Nashville, Tampa, Raleigh, and Columbus are viable long term markets.

And I KNOW I woke up this morning thinking "You know what we need? A second hockey team in Toronto!"


New member
You'd think they'd want to take care of the Phoenix/Florida/Edmonton problems first. And then make absolutely sure Nashville, Tampa, Raleigh, and Columbus are viable long term markets.

And I KNOW I woke up this morning thinking "You know what we need? A second hockey team in Toronto!"

The Panthers have one of the if not the best lease agreement in not only the NHL but all of sports so there is no way ownership is going to move anytime soon.


Active member
The Tampa hockey market is very well, I believe. Now the rays different story, unfortunately.


New member
I believe Tampa, Raleigh, and Nashville are all fine as well. But they haven't always been, and if the league continues locking out every years who knows how long fans will continue to support those teams when there are other things they care about more.

I also think Columbus' biggest problem was taken care of, they were losing big time money because of a terrible lease agreement. But then the city bought the arena and Nationwide bought naming rights instead of owning the place, so now the city AND the team can make money off naming rights and the lease terms are a lot better for the team. Now it's just not being completely terrible and convincing fans that they're worth supporting over Ohio State. That's gonna be the hard part.


New member
I believe Tampa, Raleigh, and Nashville are all fine as well. But they haven't always been, and if the league continues locking out every years who knows how long fans will continue to support those teams when there are other things they care about more.

I also think Columbus' biggest problem was taken care of, they were losing big time money because of a terrible lease agreement. But then the city bought the arena and Nationwide bought naming rights instead of owning the place, so now the city AND the team can make money off naming rights and the lease terms are a lot better for the team. Now it's just not being completely terrible and convincing fans that they're worth supporting over Ohio State. That's gonna be the hard part.

well since the lockout they have all been sellouts here in tampa and jeff vinik our owner has been able to stable the organization out after the two idiots before him


New member
Steve Chiasson's kid playing for Michigan and Chris Chelios's kid playing for Sparty makes me feel old.


New member
its like oprah goes into the lightnings locker room before the games and goes "you get a goal! you get a goal! everybody gets a goal!!!"

5.28 goals per game lololololol it actually becoming somewhat sad not to have a tight competitive game


New member
watched the lightning game sitting next to Henry and Linda Staal parents of the Eric, Marc and Jordan Staal

I said nothing to them not wanting other people to realize they were watching the game and bug them


New member
That Sens-Habs game was disgusting. Both teams played so well, but the game was decided by the refs. I've never been so angry about a game before.... that goal should've counted, that interference call was bull.

NHL, please get your reffing figured out. Ruining an otherwise great season for all teams.


New member
^What happened? I'm too lazy to go look at the sports sites and I'm about to leave for a party. I know I won't remember to look it up when I come back home, lol.


New member

We get called for tripping on a non call then get slewfooted and then they call boucher for unsportsman like conduct so they score two five on three goals on three sh!t penalties what a freaking joke!!! JOKE!