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Nicole and Jessica's Twitter War

Which photo is the most "gorgeous"?

  • Kurt Cobain (the correct answer)

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Axl Rose (the incorrect answer)

    Votes: 5 55.6%

  • Total voters


New member

Rant over.
But seriously, buy glasses.

Once upon a time, I hated Axl Rose and really, really liked Kurt Cobain.

And when I say hated, I mean that was what I learned as I grew up. The facts of life: 2 + 2 = 4, the sky is blue, don't touch the stove, Axl Rose is a prick, don't stick a fork in the light socket.

When I say really, really liked, I mean that I actually had his albums, watched concerts, the whole shebang. I wasn't a hardcore fan or anything, but I kept up, y'know. I was that middle-ground between casual and hardcore fan. Still, compared to Axl, I thought he was a king. I thought he blew Axl away and Axl was a miserable man.

I still thought Axl was good-looking and Kurt wasn't. :p


New member
At least you agree that Kurt is awesome and mad-talented, Nicole. I'd rather you dislike his appearance but love him as an artist than think he's gorgeous but an untalented hack. :)


New member
D'aww! Every Nirvana release is at least very good (and at best awesome -- In Utero). :) But seriously, you guys are completely delusional about his looks. Except his eyes which are the best I've seen from anybody ever. It's just his face and lack of hygiene.


New member
D'aww! Every Nirvana release is at least very good (and at best awesome -- In Utero). :) But seriously, you guys are completely delusional about his looks. Except his eyes which are the best I've seen from anybody ever. It's just his face and lack of hygiene.

Do you really look at Axl and think, "my, that looks like a clean boy who really cares about his hygiene"? :p

But no, I love Kurt's face. I think he was gorgeous. Yes, the eyes are undeniable. But he also had a really beautiful smile, and idk, you can kind of tell that when it was real, he could just light up a room with it. Like, he just had the kind of face where he didn't have to be a loud person in his regular life, because you could really see right through him with his eyes and his smile. And the chin dimple is adorable. ;)


New member
I look at Axl and think, "I would ravage his body like a hawk to a rabbit."

Nah, Axl's not the most hygienic person ever, but he's passable, and his gorgeous face, irresistible smile, and penetrating eyes make up for it.

Kurt did have a nice smile. I know what you're saying. When I see, like, a gif of Bruce Dickinson or a picture of Jeff Buckley (my new love interest<3), you can tell they just lit up the whole room, that they oozed charisma, that they were just stars inside and out. There was something in them that just drew you to them, that intangible "it" factor.

All that said, Kurt's actual face structure is rather blah. Again, setting aside everything -- music, charm, personality, that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach -- setting all of that aside and just assessing the faces, Kurt isn't a looker (in the classical sense). It's hard to look at the two photos and not think of the magic that radiates from them. It's super difficult. It took me a year's break to do that with Bruce Dickinson, whom I couldn't fathom why people would find unattractive. Nowadays, I go back and forth. Sometimes I fall into my old ways and go, "Wtf? He was gorgeous. What's wrong with people?" and other times, I find myself going, "He really wasn't all that attractive. That's the power of his charisma right there."

I know it sounds like I'm trying to say you're wrong. That's not what I'm trying to convey, though. I just think you're still in the midst of your love affair with Kurt, so it's harder to separate his charm and his actual looks. :p You're honeymooning! Maybe I am a little, too, but seeing as I felt this way back when I hated Axl, I like to think that's a testament to his dashing good looks.

I'm definitely honeymooning when I stare at pictures of Axl's nowadays since the logical part of me tells me he's totally hit the wall and the Axl-loving part of me tells me, "Y'know, if he would just shave off that damn 'stache and drop a few pounds..."

You know, we could actually settle this scientifically. x) That wouldn't be fun, though. And I suck at science.


New member
Even when Axl LOOKS awful, he still has that "it" factor about him. Even if I wanted to say "this dude is so ugly, what is Nicole thinking?" I couldn't do it. I just feel like he oozes passion, and I LOVE that. Oddly enough, his attitude is what turns a lot of people off, but I find it so ballsy that he stays true to that. He could change into someone people want him to be, but he didn't. It's gotta be difficult to live that way, too. I wouldn't be willing to give up so much to stay true to myself.

I mean, I didn't know a thing about Axl or GN'R before Nicole, but I know when someone grabs my attention, and he did. To me, that was huge, especially because I wasn't expecting to even care.

So really, I find the thing that most people hate him for to be insanely attractive. LOL.

Looks-wise, he's not really my cup of tea, but he's still hot. And he has the most attractive speaking voice on the planet, really. And his smile is freaking adorable, too.
Seriously though, I think it all just comes down to preference. If I hated Axl as a person/musician, I'd probably find him unattractive, but since I love both, it's hardly about looks anymore, ya know? I'm sure Jess feels the same way about Kurt, to an extent. In a sense, we're all blinded by bias. LOL.

Kurt, looks-wise is just "meh" to me (Yes, I like Nirvana. LOL). And his eyes? Meh.


New member
Tbh, I really don't see what you guys see in Axl. I wouldn't call him ugly, but I don't find him to be anything all that special appearance-wise. And, don't shoot me, but I hate his smile. Lol. Something about his teeth just look weird to me.

Really, it's just a matter of personal preference. I personally think Kurt is gorgeous, and don't see anything special about Axl.


New member
Tbh, I really don't see what you guys see in Axl. I wouldn't call him ugly, but I don't find him to be anything all that special appearance-wise. And, don't shoot me, but I hate his smile. Lol. Something about his teeth just look weird to me.

Really, it's just a matter of personal preference. I personally think Kurt is gorgeous, and don't see anything special about Axl.

I don't get that. Truly. You are crazy, child. You should've started this poll 6 months ago when I didn't care about him. Haha.


New member
Tbh, I really don't see what you guys see in Axl. I wouldn't call him ugly, but I don't find him to be anything all that special appearance-wise. And, don't shoot me, but I hate his smile. Lol. Something about his teeth just look weird to me.

Really, it's just a matter of personal preference. I personally think Kurt is gorgeous, and don't see anything special about Axl.

Which smile? His '80s one or his '90s-current one? He got veneers. x)