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Nicole and Karly's Twitter War Settled

Who is clearly more handsome?

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Though I do like how people are saying they would choose Axl based on music, I still cannot for the life of me figure out how Joe could possibly be better looking.

I cannot figure out how ANYONE would consider Axl hot...take away the "rock star" aspect and I'm even more confused. I just don't get it.



New member
AXl's hair is long and greasy looking. Belch. His eyes? Eh. Nothing special; Jay and JD both have him beat, hands-down. Axl's face is also odd-looking; his nose is weird. JD is perfect; his smile, his hair, his's beyond me how anyone could find Axl the least bit hot over the perfection that is JDR. What part of him ISN'T perfect?If you don't find him hot, you need glasses, yo. He's freaking sexy. :p.











New member
Nicole I'm not saying Axl isn't good looking I just feel that Joe is more my type but Axl is much more my type of music


New member
AXl's hair is long


and greasy looking.

Prove it.

Belch? xD

His eyes? Eh. Nothing special;

Spoken like someone who has only glanced at his eyes. They're stunning. They're not as great as Kurt's, but Kurt's eyes are pretty unbeatable.

Jay and JD both have him beat, hands-down.


Axl's face is also odd-looking;

He has one of the most symmetrical and proportional faces I've ever come across, and I've seen all the pictures you've posted. :p

JD is perfect; his smile, his hair, his face...

Nothing special.

it's beyond me how anyone could find Axl the least bit hot over the perfection that is JDR. What part of him ISN'T perfect?If you don't find him hot, you need glasses, yo. He's freaking sexy. :p.

He's pretty good-looking, really, he is, but he's pretty forgettable for me. Like, at the time, I'll be like, "Oh, he is nice looking," and then I'll scroll down and be like, "Wait, what did he look like again?" I never have that issue with Axl.


Nicole I'm not saying Axl isn't good looking I just feel that Joe is more my type but Axl is much more my type of music

Yeah, Appetite For Destruction is absolutely a perfect album. As is Chinese Democracy. And the Use Your Illusions aren't too shabby themselves (though Shotgun Blues doesn't need to exist...).

Ah, see, this is what it all comes down to. Who your type is. Axl is my type to a tee. JDR is really generic and, like, I don't know, safe. He just doesn't come across as an exciting guy to me. I've had a crush for a long time on Bruce Dickinson, and I understand that I'm perhaps the only person on the planet to think of Bruce as attractive, and I get what's not to like, but you know, have you ever watched him talk? For me, a lot of what makes me start obsessing/stalking an artist is the way they talk. I used to have a huge crush on Phil Collins, not because he's attractive (he certainly is not), but I just loved to watch his interviews. The way he spoke. He was so engaging. Charisma plays a major role.

But there was a time when I judged Axl as the biggest douche bag on the planet, and I hated his interviews, yet I still found him really hot, so none of the above applies, hence my complete shock that he's not winning. :p


New member
They're not as great as Kurt's, but Kurt's eyes are pretty unbeatable.

Truth. ;) And you're right about the charisma thing and the way they talk. Heck, most of the guys I've liked in my life have not been your typical "hot" guy, but their looks combined with their personality and charisma is what makes them so attractive.


New member
I'm probably in the minority of guys here, but the first 3 things that attract me to a woman are her eyes, her smile, and how she presents herself in the first few minutes that we talk. So yeah, charisma plays a HUGE role. You can just tell if someone's a douche or a ***** in the first few minutes, and if they are, PASS. I'll take slightly less hot that I can get along with over hot and *****y anyday.


New member
Truth. ;) And you're right about the charisma thing and the way they talk. Heck, most of the guys I've liked in my life have not been your typical "hot" guy, but their looks combined with their personality and charisma is what makes them so attractive.

Including Kurt. :p

No, but honestly, me, too. In real life, every guy I've ever liked wasn't traditionally good-looking, but his personality was absolutely infectious, and that caught my attention. It's what I always tell guys who ask me what a girl wants: learn how to carry a conversation. That is all.

That said, Axl's hot, and I don't understand you people. :cool:




New member
Oh I totally understand what you mean. I can understand how some people might think he's "generic" looking; he's like the typical Ambercrombie model; he's good-looking, but nothing really jumps out at you, either. I actually didn't find him the least bit attractive until a few years ago; yeah, I thought he was hot, but I kept thinking, "what's so special about him?"

But that I've paid attention to all of the guys in the band, I actually came to realize he is a super-talented guy, and he is SO sweet to the fans and everybody; you can just tell by the way he carries himself that is so genuine and sweet and loves the fans to death. Some people can be SO rude on social networks like Twitter and Facebook, but JD is so sweet to everyone and he acts like his love for the music and the fans is what matters, you know? It seems like it's almost impossible for anyone to stay genuine in the business these days, but I just really admire the way he carries himself and isn't caught up in all the fame. :)

And of course he's super-talented; I feel like he and Jay are kinda overshadowed at times, but he also has a great voice and he has a certain presence on's hard to explain, but have you ever felt like someone is really special, even though you don't know exactly why? That's how I feel about Rascal Flatts, just because I've been listening to them for so long, and there are so many memories attached to the music and the people behind's so much more than just being a fan, but the artists that you love are a soundtrack to your life...:)


New member
Oh I totally understand what you mean. I can understand how some people might think he's "generic" looking; he's like the typical Ambercrombie model; he's good-looking, but nothing really jumps out at you, either. I actually didn't find him the least bit attractive until a few years ago; yeah, I thought he was hot, but I kept thinking, "what's so special about him?"

But that I've paid attention to all of the guys in the band, I actually came to realize he is a super-talented guy, and he is SO sweet to the fans and everybody; you can just tell by the way he carries himself that is so genuine and sweet and loves the fans to death. Some people can be SO rude on social networks like Twitter and Facebook, but JD is so sweet to everyone and he acts like his love for the music and the fans is what matters, you know? It seems like it's almost impossible for anyone to stay genuine in the business these days, but I just really admire the way he carries himself and isn't caught up in all the fame. :)

That's how I felt about Guns N' Roses. They were nothing special. And then, I don't know, I had a major epiphany. Clearly haha. It's so admirable to see someone who sticks to his guns no matter what, come fame, come fortune, and that's what I dig about Axl, too. He did what he wanted and he never changed for anybody.

And of course he's super-talented; I feel like he and Jay are kinda overshadowed at times, but he also has a great voice and he has a certain presence on's hard to explain, but have you ever felt like someone is really special, even though you don't know exactly why? That's how I feel about Rascal Flatts, just because I've been listening to them for so long, and there are so many memories attached to the music and the people behind's so much more than just being a fan, but the artists that you love are a soundtrack to your life...:)

EXACTLY. It's that "it" factor that you can't place. Whenever I see a random picture that I don't know has Axl in it, like, I find Axl. My eyes are just drawn to him. When he was on stage with Steven freaking Tyler, everyone's eyes were on him. He was standing next to Elton John and Bono, and all the paparazzi cared about was Axl. He was on stage with Mick Jagger, and he stole the show. There's just something about him, something that evokes such emotional extremities toward him that people either love him or hate him. He's just a star, through and through.

I watched a documentary on him recently, and it was talking about how he was before Slash and Duff met him, how people saw nothing special about him back in Indiana, how he was really insecure, how nobody wanted him in a band because of his low baritone voice, all the way up until he discovered that raspy wail he's so famous for. It was really trippy. I could never imagine Axl not having that "it" factor, but there was a time when he didn't, I guess. He acquired it as his confidence grew. He's still really insecure, but he's learned to carry himself in such a way where he's just... he's magnetic, y'know? And that's the truly inspiring part. He was a dark horse from conception. NOBODY expected him to make it, not a one. You know how in most biographies you watch, people always talk about how they were, like, the star of the choir/drama show? Not with him. I kinda love that. He's the first one I've stumbled across. That's just another thing I really like about him.


New member
Exactly. It's the energy, the personality, the chemistry...everything. There's something about seeing your favorite performer in a live environment that takes the appreciation and love for the music/performers to a WHOLE different level that is completely amazing, energetic, and electric.

It's funny you mentioned the story about Axl being the underdog, because RF's story is pretty similar. Gary and Jay grew up together, but they went to different colleges in different states; Jay went to school to study music, but Gary just sang for fun and thought of it more as a hobby. Long story short, Jay finally convinced him to move to Nashville; he and Gary were playing together one night when their guitarist couldn't make it. A drummer they played with knew Joe Don when he lived in Oklahoma...they played "Church On The Cumberland Road" and didn't talk about who was going to take what parts or anything...they've said numerous times that they just stopped and looked at each other, because they were completely amazed that these 3 guys who had never sang together just had something that seemed so special.

It has always really captivated me that RF was considered the "dark horse" from the time they started in the industry; they were called a "boy band" and told they were never last and a lot of people didn't take them seriously;critics have always been hard on them and said they were just catering to an audience of teenage girls and such. They've talked about how it always motivated them when they heard nasty stuff and it just made them want to work harder. To think of the fact that they went from being told they were just a fad who people accused of masquerading as a pop act/boyband who wouldn't last beyond 15 minutes and now realize that they are one of the most respected bands in country music and they've been able to change so many lives and make history is hard to even wrap my head around. You can't describe why it happened, but it almost makes you think this person/band was put together to impact people lives like yours or something.

As someone who has been the "underdog" my whole life, I relate to their story of having to fight for what you want and having to prove people wrong until they take notice. Knowing that AND knowing that their music/personalities have shaped so much of my life and how I look at situations? It BLOWS my mind. Seriously. To think one person/band that wasn't even supposed to be together met and experienced so much success in spite of being hated and underestimated...I can't even explain how much that describes my life & it only makes the music so much more meaningful.

PS- JD is still sexy as h*ell and Axl is still ugly. You can have him. The end.:p


New member
Exactly. It's the energy, the personality, the chemistry...everything. There's something about seeing your favorite performer in a live environment that takes the appreciation and love for the music/performers to a WHOLE different level that is completely amazing, energetic, and electric.

Hmm, like this?:

It's funny you mentioned the story about Axl being the underdog, because RF's story is pretty similar. Gary and Jay grew up together, but they went to different colleges in different states; Jay went to school to study music, but Gary just sang for fun and thought of it more as a hobby. Long story short, Jay finally convinced him to move to Nashville; he and Gary were playing together one night when their guitarist couldn't make it. A drummer they played with knew Joe Don when he lived in Oklahoma...they played "Church On The Cumberland Road" and didn't talk about who was going to take what parts or anything...they've said numerous times that they just stopped and looked at each other, because they were completely amazed that these 3 guys who had never sang together just had something that seemed so special.

It has always really captivated me that RF was considered the "dark horse" from the time they started in the industry; they were called a "boy band" and told they were never last and a lot of people didn't take them seriously;critics have always been hard on them and said they were just catering to an audience of teenage girls and such. They've talked about how it always motivated them when they heard nasty stuff and it just made them want to work harder. To think of the fact that they went from being told they were just a fad who people accused of masquerading as a pop act/boyband who wouldn't last beyond 15 minutes and now realize that they are one of the most respected bands in country music and they've been able to change so many lives and make history is hard to even wrap my head around. You can't describe why it happened, but it almost makes you think this person/band was put together to impact people lives like yours or something.

As someone who has been the "underdog" my whole life, I relate to their story of having to fight for what you want and having to prove people wrong until they take notice. Knowing that AND knowing that their music/personalities have shaped so much of my life and how I look at situations? It BLOWS my mind. Seriously. To think one person/band that wasn't even supposed to be together met and experienced so much success in spite of being hated and underestimated...I can't even explain how much that describes my life & it only makes the music so much more meaningful.

See, I completely agree here. All the cards stacked against someone, nobody having any faith except the rising star himself. I've been that way my whole life, too. And it's so refreshing. I mean, seriously, how many people were like, "I was bullied at school, but I took refuge in being the star of the high school play." SO MANY. Axl wasn't that guy. He was the guy who was in choir, but everyone in Indiana used to say, "Oh, yeah, that kid... his voice was okay. Don't really remember it. Nothing special." And then he turned it into THAT. And he was on top of the world for almost ten years. He still gets the media whipped up into a frenzy just with his name.

We like an underdog, it seems. So we like different people for the same reasons ha.

PS- JD is still sexy as h*ell and Axl is still ugly. You can have him. The end.:p

JD's aight. Axl on the other hand. :wub:








Active member
Angie Harmon was the only child of parents who were models. I think God made them divorce when she was a toddler so her life wasn't too perfect. She began modelling at 15, was discovered on an airplane in her 20s, and given a lead role on a TV show after her first audition.



New member
Angie Harmon was the only child of parents who were models. I think God made them divorce when she was a toddler so her life wasn't too perfect. She began modelling at 15, was discovered on an airplane in her 20s, and given a lead role on a TV show after her first audition.

What? :p


New member
God is not in favor of legally binding evidenced by Heidi Klum and Seal's. :(

True story: Lauren Graham's parents also divorced when she was younger. Both Angie and Lauren were raised by their fathers.

The Vatican should revolt against legal marriage, I say.

True story: Axl's father left him when he was two, kidnapped him, molested him, and beat up his mom when she tried to get him back. :(


New member
Really. All it does is cause problems.


And hike up divorce rates. And break up Heidi Klum and Seal. :(

Isn't it sad? At first, since he discovered that memory during regression therapy, I didn't really trust that that really happened to him, but then he said he confronted his mom about it, and she said, "Ssh, son, don't go to the media about it; let's deal with it privately," so he went out of his way to tell the media what he discovered in regression therapy. To spite his mom.