Carrie Underwood Fans

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Nicole and Karly's Twitter War Settled

Who is clearly more handsome?

  • Total voters


New member
And makes guys like me grow up ENTIRELY too fast, only to eventually realize exactly how much of their childhood they wasted, causing regression to a point that they act like they're 8 when they're in reality 24..............


New member
Whoa. I'

To lighten up this thread: Get on twitter.

Yeah, Axl's had a sad life.

Talking of regression therapy. He's absolutely correct. Sure, you should go to the point of conception to figure out your issues and to unlock the demons you'd been hiding away, but then you have to shut them down and move on like the ~24-year-old you are.

Tom, why'd you get regression therapy?

Wow, that makes me gain more respect for Axl.

Right? That's another reason why I love him so much. Every time I feel like life is rough, I look at Axl, who's been through absolute hell, yet he just picks himself up, dusts himself off, and keeps going.


New member
Actually, this is more my taste. :p



And yeah I completely agree about the whole underdog persona; that's one reason I love Carrie so much. She came from a normal life to take a chance on a dream and look where she's is now. It's just incredible to see how the cards pan out for some people with amazing talent. While I know a lot artists couldn't be more different (like Axl Rose and Rascal Flatts for example, haha. :p), it's the things that unite you in your love for music/artists that make you appreciate and understand it, you know? It's like you'll likely never meet everyone you bond with over a certain artist or band, but you still feel that connection like they're so similar to you, ya know what I mean? It's wild.

And yeah it is really ironic that we like both our favorite artists for the same reason. :p. While I don't think Rascal Flatts will ever reach the kind of impact that a star like Axl has, I am still so proud to call myself a fan because I KNOW they made an impact on me, and I know that they have accomplished so many things that they can be proud of, regardless of what other people think. To me, that's as equally important (if not more so) than being satisfied with selling records and selling out arenas and making millions. At the end of the day, it should be about the artists themselves wanting to make an impact and having the integrity to say "we fought really hard and we had some bad times, but we did things OUR way." When that kind of integrity is married to the music itself, it just makes the impact (and the journey) even more amazing.

I'm not sure if this video will help ya understand what I mean, but it's the whole idea of the music being the soundtrack to someone's life; it's not just wanting to say something, but saying (and doing) something that gives the music a much bigger purpose than what is on the surface:

JD sent me this response to your Axl fandom, and he wants you to know how he really feels...:p





New member
My mom and dad divorced when I was 3, I lived with my mom, and we struggled financially. Basically I went without A LOT growing up and it caused me to be WAY too mature for a person my age. Until I got to college and I got a taste of freedom and all the fun someone my age should have. I enjoyed that way too much.


New member
But anyway, enough about me, back to the important matter at hand.

Why Angie Harmon blows both Axl Rose and Joe Don Rooney out of the water when it comes to hotness. :p


Active member
My mom and dad divorced when I was 3, I lived with my mom, and we struggled financially. Basically I went without A LOT growing up and it caused me to be WAY too mature for a person my age. Until I got to college and I got a taste of freedom and all the fun someone my age should have. I enjoyed that way too much.

You didn't transition well from our conversation to that. I'm sorry, Tom. :(


New member
Angie has moves like Jagger. ;)

Also, I edited my signature...

Soon, your signature will just entirely be my quotes about Angie Harmon. Just watch.

My mom and dad divorced when I was 3, I lived with my mom, and we struggled financially. Basically I went without A LOT growing up and it caused me to be WAY too mature for a person my age. Until I got to college and I got a taste of freedom and all the fun someone my age should have. I enjoyed that way too much.

It sucks, doesn't it? Growing up too fast and never enjoying childhood. I know the feeling.

But anyway, enough about me, back to the important matter at hand.

Why Angie Harmon blows both Axl Rose and Joe Don Rooney out of the water when it comes to hotness. :p


You didn't transition well from our conversation to that. I'm sorry, Tom. :(

This is true.

ETA: I like how this really, really shallow thread got really deep all of a sudden.


Active member
Soon, your signature will just entirely be my quotes about Angie Harmon. Just watch.

It sucks, doesn't it? Growing up too fast and never enjoying childhood. I know the feeling.


This is true.

ETA: I like how this really, really shallow thread got really deep all of a sudden.

I'm no getting rid of the creeper Angie pic.

And it's all because God hates marriage.

Angie should be in this poll. I'll create a new poll.


New member
Tom, that sucks about your parents. :(. Mine have been married for 25 years, and I feel like I'm extremely lucky to have two parents who actually value being married, because it seems like it doesn't matter much these days.

That's story about Axl's childhood is horrible; I can't imagine why anybody would treat their own family like that. :(.

I won't go into details, but I also had to grow up really fast; I've had to deal with a lot of stuff that kinda forced me to always look at my future instead of looking at the present, and I'm still like that. I've always been really mature and my Mom always tells me I "never have any fun," yet I think a lot of what I've had to face in life has forced me to be that way. I don't regret anything I've done and my parents gave me a great childhood, but I also think the rate at which you mature (or regress, as Tom says) DOES have a lot to with your experiences; it's a lot more complex than a lot of people make it out to be.


New member
That's story about Axl's childhood is horrible; I can't imagine why anybody would treat their own family like that. :(.

That's just what happened to him before he turned three. His stepfather molested his sister and beat the crap out of him because "God told him to." And his mom would just stand there and watch.

I won't go into details, but I also had to grow up really fast; I've had to deal with a lot of stuff that kinda forced me to always look at my future instead of looking at the present, and I'm still like that. I've always been really mature and my Mom always tells me I "never have any fun," yet I think a lot of what I've had to face in life has forced me to be that way. I don't regret anything I've done and my parents gave me a great childhood, but I also think the rate at which you mature (or regress, as Tom says) DOES have a lot to with your experiences; it's a lot more complex than a lot of people make it out to be.

Maybe it's a Carrie fans thing. We people who adore Carrie Underwood just mature faster than everybody else. :p

No, but I totally understand. Nanny knows I'm practically raising myself.


Active member
That's just what happened to him before he turned three. His stepfather molested his sister and beat the crap out of him because "God told him to." And his mom would just stand there and watch.

Maybe it's a Carrie fans thing. We people who adore Carrie Underwood just mature faster than everybody else. :p

No, but I totally understand. Nanny knows I'm practically raising myself.

Truth. Unlike me, who is coddled.

I posted the poll! ;)