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Paul Ryan selected as running mate

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New member
I vowed to never comment around here anymore, but I just have to. First you do realize that he is going to decrease the budget first by giving another big tax break to the wealthy & covering this extra reduction in income by cutting medicare, medicade, the department of education, the department of transportation, the EPA, veterans benefits & food stamps among others. In other words, a tax break for the wealthy balanced on the backs of the middle class & the folks that really need those benefits he is willing to cut.

And you are no doubt aware that this policy wonk that has been so involved with balancing the budget & pushing all these cuts, still won't balance the budget until the year 2040. That is 28 years of suffering for the folks in need while he & his rich cronies cop yet more tax benefits.

And, I have no doubt that you are aware that if his budget plan were in effect now, that Mitt Romney would have paid .89% in taxes this year instead of the 13.9% he did pay. Is there any wonder why "I've got mine, the hell with the rest of you" Mitt Romney is on his side?

Oh & here is one other little tidbit. Mitt refuses to release his tax returns but even according to the lady that was doing the vetting for VP, they "Mitt & The Committee" required all his candidates to release multiple years of their tax returns to him.

This pick by Romney was nothing other than an attempt to pick up more support from the far right wing nuts that have put this country's best interests aside while they have done everything possible to stop anything that would have helped. In the words of Mitch McConnell, 2 days after the election..."Our major effort will be to insure Barak Obama is a one term president." And he & the Republican caucus have set out to do just that no matter how much it negatively affected any attempt for this country to move forward.

The Republicans continue on this path of trickle down economics. It has never worked & there is no evidence that it ever will.

Even Fox ( the mouthpiece of the far right) News just last week, had a new poll out that showed Obama ahead by 9%. I expect that when the public gets a face full of what Paul Ryan is bringing to the table, this % is going up!

Ryan is going to have to really sell himself to the indy voters who will decide the election and I don't know if he can do that or not, it will be interesting to see if he can.


New member
Ryan is going to have to really sell himself to the indy voters who will decide the election and I don't know if he can do that or not, it will be interesting to see if he can.

Yes, the independents will decide this election, that's for sure. Ryan is extremely conservative and I am thinking it will be very interesting to see how it pans out. well, the race is on!;)


Well-known member
I vowed to never comment around here anymore, but I just have to. First you do realize that he is going to decrease the budget first by giving another big tax break to the wealthy & covering this extra reduction in income by cutting medicare, medicade, the department of education, the department of transportation, the EPA, veterans benefits & food stamps among others. In other words, a tax break for the wealthy balanced on the backs of the middle class & the folks that really need those benefits he is willing to cut.

And you are no doubt aware that this policy wonk that has been so involved with balancing the budget & pushing all these cuts, still won't balance the budget until the year 2040. That is 28 years of suffering for the folks in need while he & his rich cronies cop yet more tax benefits.

And, I have no doubt that you are aware that if his budget plan were in effect now, that Mitt Romney would have paid .89% in taxes this year instead of the 13.9% he did pay. Is there any wonder why "I've got mine, the hell with the rest of you" Mitt Romney is on his side?

Oh & here is one other little tidbit. Mitt refuses to release his tax returns but even according to the lady that was doing the vetting for VP, they "Mitt & The Committee" required all his candidates to release multiple years of their tax returns to him.

This pick by Romney was nothing other than an attempt to pick up more support from the far right wing nuts that have put this country's best interests aside while they have done everything possible to stop anything that would have helped. In the words of Mitch McConnell, 2 days after the election..."Our major effort will be to insure Barak Obama is a one term president." And he & the Republican caucus have set out to do just that no matter how much it negatively affected any attempt for this country to move forward.

The Republicans continue on this path of trickle down economics. It has never worked & there is no evidence that it ever will.

Even Fox ( the mouthpiece of the far right) News just last week, had a new poll out that showed Obama ahead by 9%. I expect that when the public gets a face full of what Paul Ryan is bringing to the table, this % is going up!

Paul Ryan would potentially have considerably more influence over the budget if he stayed in the House than he's likely to have if he's elected Vice President. If Mitt Romney doesn't want to go with Ryan's budget ideas, he might hope to work with a less ideologically driven Congress. In practice, a President finds it a lot easier to sideline a VP than a VP does to stop himself being sidelined.

I would agree that a strong reason for Romney to pick Ryan is to energize the Republican Party's Conservative base. Many Conservative Republicans have accepted Romney because he looks at least potentially winnable - but at the same time, they have often not been enthusiastic about him. Ryan, identified as a more ideological Conservative, will appeal to that constituency, and make them more likely to see the ticket as attractive in more than an "anything but Obama" sense. (The main element among staunch Conservatives that the ticket might still find it hard to energize is the Religious Right - Ryan's admiration for the writings of Ayn Rand has little appeal for Evangelical Fundamentalists, and this is a constituency that leans Republican, but is sometimes difficult to persuade to vote)

Aside from discussing the effect on Conservatives, I agree that the Ryan nomination will have a negative impact on some moderates and undecided voters. People around retirement age are often particularly likely to vote, and these may be alarmed by a possible threat to Medicare and Social Security.

That is likely to tempt Democrats into focusing on Ryan's ideological leanings, and mounting strongly negative attacks. There's a danger in overdoing that, though. The Obama team need to say more about what they'd actually hope to do in a second term - the first term has been relatively disappointing for some of their natural supporters, and getting the vote out always tends to be harder in some of the key Democrat demographic target groups. The ideological negatives of the Ryan nomination are likely to be have more resonance with the strong DP activists (who are on board already). The undecided voters are the main target People who don't like Romney'Ryan probably won't vote for them - but that's not the same as saying they will vote for Obama. To get them on board, he'll need a strong positive message as well.


Active member
Here is today's Gallup/USA Today Poll info:

Ryan, a Wisconsin congressman, is seen as only a "fair" or "poor" choice by 42% of Americans vs. 39% who think he is an "excellent" or "pretty good" vice presidential choice.

By the way, even arch Conservative Right Winger Newt Gingrich got in trouble for calling Ryan's budget as being Right Wing Social Engineering & he stated that was as bad as Left Wing Social Engineering. Maybe the only time in my life I will ever agree with anything Newt says.

We need to find some common middle ground on these issues & get some folks that can & will work together across the aisle. I think this Ryan nomination will do much to make that divide even worse than it has been.


Active member
I'm never the kind to label myself (or anyone else), so I stick away from Dems-Republicans / Liberal-Conservative / Left-Right descriptions, because I don't believe yu can group all people of similar ideologies into one monotonous badge. Also, I'm not American, so my opinion is mildly irrelevant :p

That said, I can't see how anyone would feel secure voting Romney into office when he's SO diligently avoiding the release of those tax returns. The man who hides typically has something to hide. His reputation is obviously taking a bludgeoning because he's being so secretive about them, and it's making his already-weak chances of getting elected fade into impossibility. And yet he still shirks away from releasing them? That says something to me.

Also, as someone who would surely vote Obama-Biden if I were old enough, or a citizen, I gotta say, Carrie Country, take it down a notch! Also, crying "Bush was a mean ole mister", while that may be the truth, helps no one. However, this post did make me laugh :)

Paul Ryan qualifications? HA!!!!!


New member
I'm never the kind to label myself (or anyone else), so I stick away from Dems-Republicans / Liberal-Conservative / Left-Right descriptions, because I don't believe yu can group all people of similar ideologies into one monotonous badge. Also, I'm not American, so my opinion is mildly irrelevant :p

That said, I can't see how anyone would feel secure voting Romney into office when he's SO diligently avoiding the release of those tax returns. The man who hides typically has something to hide. His reputation is obviously taking a bludgeoning because he's being so secretive about them, and it's making his already-weak chances of getting elected fade into impossibility. And yet he still shirks away from releasing them? That says something to me.

Also, as someone who would surely vote Obama-Biden if I were old enough, or a citizen, I gotta say, Carrie Country, take it down a notch! Also, crying "Bush was a mean ole mister", while that may be the truth, helps no one. However, this post did make me laugh :)

Um, I would just ignore Carrie Country.

Have you seen the conversations that I've had with him/her? You will get no where, and probably need some sort of anti-anxiety medication by the time the talk is over.


Well-known member
I vowed to never comment around here anymore, but I just have to. First you do realize that he is going to decrease the budget first by giving another big tax break to the wealthy & covering this extra reduction in income by cutting medicare, medicade, the department of education, the department of transportation, the EPA, veterans benefits & food stamps among others. In other words, a tax break for the wealthy balanced on the backs of the middle class & the folks that really need those benefits he is willing to cut.

And you are no doubt aware that this policy wonk that has been so involved with balancing the budget & pushing all these cuts, still won't balance the budget until the year 2040. That is 28 years of suffering for the folks in need while he & his rich cronies cop yet more tax benefits.

And, I have no doubt that you are aware that if his budget plan were in effect now, that Mitt Romney would have paid .89% in taxes this year instead of the 13.9% he did pay. Is there any wonder why "I've got mine, the hell with the rest of you" Mitt Romney is on his side?

Oh & here is one other little tidbit. Mitt refuses to release his tax returns but even according to the lady that was doing the vetting for VP, they "Mitt & The Committee" required all his candidates to release multiple years of their tax returns to him.

This pick by Romney was nothing other than an attempt to pick up more support from the far right wing nuts that have put this country's best interests aside while they have done everything possible to stop anything that would have helped. In the words of Mitch McConnell, 2 days after the election..."Our major effort will be to insure Barak Obama is a one term president." And he & the Republican caucus have set out to do just that no matter how much it negatively affected any attempt for this country to move forward.

The Republicans continue on this path of trickle down economics. It has never worked & there is no evidence that it ever will.

Even Fox ( the mouthpiece of the far right) News just last week, had a new poll out that showed Obama ahead by 9%. I expect that when the public gets a face full of what Paul Ryan is bringing to the table, this % is going up!

You do realize that Obama's plan steals $700 BILLION dollars from Medicare and Medicaid do you not? Probably not, because we were not allowed to know what was in his plan until it was snuck thru a Congress that Obama said on MULTIPLE occasions that he was going to TELEVISE? Remember those words?

And Presidential candidates are not in any way obligated to release their tax returns. He's released the past two years. Obama still has not so much as released his transcripts from college! What is he hiding? Maybe it's the fact that he should not have been given a pass way back then to even be in college????????? In the US?????????

Have any of you ever read Michelle's thesis in college? It is so outrageously full of hate of the white women that it is almost sickening to read. And often of late I find that racism is what a democrat will turn to if you criticize absolutely anything Obama does.

I have voted democrat in the past and I have voted republican in the past. I can tell you right now I will not be voting for 4 more years under this president.


Well-known member
This is my take on Mitt Romney's selection of Wisconsin Paul Ryan as running mate: it reveals to me a Mitt Romney who is taking full charge of his campaign, who will campaign aggressively and assertively, who is neither risk-averse nor reckless. He could have chosen Rubio or Ayotte or Condi or Alan West in order to silence accusations that Romney is a card-carrying member of the "Good Ol' Boys Club". He could have stuck with the "do no harm" front-runners on the short list like TPaw or Portman. Or he could have chosen Rubio or Portman to help him move swing states like Ohio or Florida, without which Romney doesn't have a ghost of a chance at this presidency, back into the red. But he gave us the first taste of what a Romney presidency will look like. He chose the man he considered best for the job. He chose the man he wanted to see as President and potential tie-breaker of the Senate. He chose the man he wanted to help put feet and guts to his job-creation and economic recovery policies. Pundits are all over the map on this one. Some are calling Romney a fool for putting forward so much fodder for the liberal spin machine. Some are saying the left-leaning media are giddy with glee. You know...I'm not buying that. I think Paul Ryan is Obama's worst nightmare. I think all the giddiness is part of the latest round of panic coming from the likes of Harry Reid and the others whose flight into desperate statements of sheer lunacy is becoming apparent in the polls. This was Obama's election to lose...and if he does, it will be because his party got knocked off-message by a man who, in spite of his own failures and gaffes, shows that he is in command of his campaign.


Active member
You do realize that Obama's plan steals $700 BILLION dollars from Medicare and Medicaid do you not? Probably not, because we were not allowed to know what was in his plan until it was snuck thru a Congress that Obama said on MULTIPLE occasions that he was going to TELEVISE? Remember those words?

And Presidential candidates are not in any way obligated to release their tax returns. He's released the past two years. Obama still has not so much as released his transcripts from college! What is he hiding? Maybe it's the fact that he should not have been given a pass way back then to even be in college????????? In the US?????????

Have any of you ever read Michelle's thesis in college? It is so outrageously full of hate of the white women that it is almost sickening to read. And often of late I find that racism is what a democrat will turn to if you criticize absolutely anything Obama does.

I have voted democrat in the past and I have voted republican in the past. I can tell you right now I will not be voting for 4 more years under this president.

You first paragraph is absolutey false. It is nothing but a Republican talking point that is taking all the facts out of context.

You are correct, a candidate is not required to release tax returns. But, Romney HAS NOT released the past two years. He has released 1 & promises to release 2011 when he gets them done. What exactly do college transcripts have to do with anything? Has anyone ever released college transcripts? I don't know, nor frankly do I care.

Michele Obama, to the best of my knowledge is NOT running for any office, not sure how she figures into your arguments.

To bad you give up your right & duty to vote, but a snit is a snit eh?


Active member
As we all know, Florida is heavily populated with Senior Citizens & Ryan’s budget is going to effect them more than almost any other socio economic group. So Florida is going to be an incredibly important state when the election comes down. Here are the headlines from Florida Newspapers since the announcement.

St. Lucie Tribune….Will Ryan Be Liability In Florida?

The Miami Herald….Ryan Could Hurt Romney In Florida

The Palm Beach Post ….With Ryan In, Medicare Key

Indian River Press Journal …Ryan May Be Liability In Fla.

The Sunday Tampa Tribune … Romney’s VP Move May Be Risky In Swing State Florida

Now, here is the strange thing. Romney is in Fla. today, but he sent Ryan to Iowa. Wouldn’t one think that if this plan is going to help Seniors in any way, then Ryan should be there to explain it? Romney obviously can’t do it. But instead, Ryan is kept far away from the fray.

PS: Smokeyiis...there was no more "Good Old Boys" choice for Romney than the ultimate Washington insider Paul Ryan. Romney was thrown against the wall by the more conservative members of his constituency & over & over again told to pick Ryan, He folded to pressure. You may see that as standing up for what was right, I see it as caving in.


Well-known member
As we all know, Florida is heavily populated with Senior Citizens & Ryan’s budget is going to effect them more than almost any other socio economic group. So Florida is going to be an incredibly important state when the election comes down. Here are the headlines from Florida Newspapers since the announcement.

St. Lucie Tribune….Will Ryan Be Liability In Florida?

The Miami Herald….Ryan Could Hurt Romney In Florida

The Palm Beach Post ….With Ryan In, Medicare Key

Indian River Press Journal …Ryan May Be Liability In Fla.

The Sunday Tampa Tribune … Romney’s VP Move May Be Risky In Swing State Florida

Now, here is the strange thing. Romney is in Fla. today, but he sent Ryan to Iowa. Wouldn’t one think that if this plan is going to help Seniors in any way, then Ryan should be there to explain it? Romney obviously can’t do it. But instead, Ryan is kept far away from the fray.

PS: Smokeyiis...there was no more "Good Old Boys" choice for Romney than the ultimate Washington insider Paul Ryan. Romney was thrown against the wall by the more conservative members of his constituency & over & over again told to pick Ryan, He folded to pressure. You may see that as standing up for what was right, I see it as caving in.

Exactly what I expected. Are you from California? The state that is so far into bankruptcy as to almost be non existent? The state run by democrats? Sorry Ron, can't see your point when the left has led us so far into bankruptcy that not even my grandchildren's grandchildren could help. I need someone in office that will take some fiscal responsibility and I wouldn't give a dime to Pelosi, Reid or Obama. I'll just let the actors and actresses do that. (you know, the rich people)


Active member
I'm really not sure what either party can do for the economy but I do know that the right wing's social policies scare the bajesus out of me. btw, for any republicans here, know that I am aware that the policies of the right wing party are EXTREMELY far right and not all conservatives agree with these. however, the loudest part of the republican party right now is the far far far right wing. when will the day come when a moderate makes enough money to run? I feel like the majority of America is neither far right or far left. then again, Romney is running.


Well-known member
True Becca, but what I do know very well is that the Pelosi run Senate put is so deeply in debt that we even lost our A+ rating.

This is Obama's tax plan (I'm an accountant) as posted by the Wall Street Journal:

Current Obama's

35% 39.6% Income Tax Rate
37.4% 52.2% Income/Payroll
15% 28% Capital Gains
15% 39.6% Dividends
0% 55% Estate Tax (2010)

I would be working solely to pay taxes with nothing left over to feed my family.

And as far as I know it's not the poor people that have job openings or provide's the wealthy that provide all the jobs. So for heaven's sake, lets give those people the opportunity to employ some of these people sitting on their butts that COULD be working instead of collecting every penny from a broken government.

Okay, enough for now.


New member
People who are saying that Mitt Romney is hiding something in his taxes is old news he pays less than we do because he can take advantage of our tax code, but noone is talking about the 4 millions dollars Barack Obama spent to keep his transcrips hidden amomg other things. This presidents hides more things and stomps all over our constitution every chance he gets. You want to know what he thinks go back to all the comments he's made to other foreign leaders when he thought the microphones were off. Worst presidents ever and that say alot since Jimmy Carter was real bad.


New member
As we all know, Florida is heavily populated with Senior Citizens & Ryan’s budget is going to effect them more than almost any other socio economic group. So Florida is going to be an incredibly important state when the election comes down. Here are the headlines from Florida Newspapers since the announcement.

St. Lucie Tribune….Will Ryan Be Liability In Florida?

The Miami Herald….Ryan Could Hurt Romney In Florida

The Palm Beach Post ….With Ryan In, Medicare Key

Indian River Press Journal …Ryan May Be Liability In Fla.

The Sunday Tampa Tribune … Romney’s VP Move May Be Risky In Swing State Florida

Now, here is the strange thing. Romney is in Fla. today, but he sent Ryan to Iowa. Wouldn’t one think that if this plan is going to help Seniors in any way, then Ryan should be there to explain it? Romney obviously can’t do it. But instead, Ryan is kept far away from the fray.

PS: Smokeyiis...there was no more "Good Old Boys" choice for Romney than the ultimate Washington insider Paul Ryan. Romney was thrown against the wall by the more conservative members of his constituency & over & over again told to pick Ryan, He folded to pressure. You may see that as standing up for what was right, I see it as caving in.

Ron, I don't think that Ryan was Romney's call either.


Active member
People who are saying that Mitt Romney is hiding something in his taxes is old news he pays less than we do because he can take advantage of our tax code, but noone is talking about the 4 millions dollars Barack Obama spent to keep his transcrips hidden amomg other things. This presidents hides more things and stomps all over our constitution every chance he gets. You want to know what he thinks go back to all the comments he's made to other foreign leaders when he thought the microphones were off. Worst presidents ever and that say alot since Jimmy Carter was real bad.

you think the tax thing is old news? how about the birther talk?


Active member
Exactly what I expected. Are you from California? The state that is so far into bankruptcy as to almost be non existent? The state run by democrats? Sorry Ron, can't see your point when the left has led us so far into bankruptcy that not even my grandchildren's grandchildren could help. I need someone in office that will take some fiscal responsibility and I wouldn't give a dime to Pelosi, Reid or Obama. I'll just let the actors and actresses do that. (you know, the rich people)

You certainly seem to go down some strange paths to make whatever nebulous point it is that you are attempting to get across. So, let me assure you & ease your worried & troubled mind. I am not from California. I live in Arkansas, one of the most discouragingly Republican states in the nation.


Active member
True Becca, but what I do know very well is that the Pelosi run Senate put is so deeply in debt that we even lost our A+ rating.

This is Obama's tax plan (I'm an accountant) as posted by the Wall Street Journal:

Current Obama's

35% 39.6% Income Tax Rate
37.4% 52.2% Income/Payroll
15% 28% Capital Gains
15% 39.6% Dividends
0% 55% Estate Tax (2010)

I would be working solely to pay taxes with nothing left over to feed my family.

And as far as I know it's not the poor people that have job openings or provide's the wealthy that provide all the jobs. So for heaven's sake, lets give those people the opportunity to employ some of these people sitting on their butts that COULD be working instead of collecting every penny from a broken government.

Okay, enough for now.

Those Bush Tax Cuts have now been in efect for 10 years. Where exactly are all those jobs that those rich people create. That job creation money has instead been stashed in Swiss Bank Accounts or the Cayman Islands ala The Mittster.
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