Carrie Underwood Fans

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The Voice


New member
My Mom was watching the rerun of the auditions with me (shown on E!), and after awhile she said, "is there anyone they don't like?" They never say anything negative, even in a constructive manner. :p


Well-known member
My Mom was watching the rerun of the auditions with me (shown on E!), and after awhile she said, "is there anyone they don't like?" They never say anything negative, even in a constructive manner. :p
They did turn away a few people? (those that were shown on tv).......

Idk, they're not meant to be judges like on Idol though.


New member
Appearantly Javier already has a big country music connection....

JDR of Rascal Flatts tweeted to him:
Saw my boy @javstwtr tonight on The Voice....he killed it! I love ya Javier! @rascalflatts is pulling for ya!

Then Gary mentioned in an interview yesterday that they're friends with him & he didn't tell them he was going to be on the show.

I think this is so cool, but random...who knew he'd already have connections?? Impressive.:p


Active member
That's the cool part of this show. It's a second/third/tenth chance for folks that may already have connections or may already have had a chance before that never came to be. Carrie's former back-up singer Cherie has also toured with Gretchen for 2 albums and also co-wrote a #1 single with Reba. She's awesome though...hoping she goes far!
Appearantly Javier already has a big country music connection....

JDR of Rascal Flatts tweeted to him:
Saw my boy @javstwtr tonight on The Voice....he killed it! I love ya Javier! @rascalflatts is pulling for ya!

Then Gary mentioned in an interview yesterday that they're friends with him & he didn't tell them he was going to be on the show.

I think this is so cool, but random...who knew he'd already have connections?? Impressive.:p


New member
This show sounds kinda interesting, and with what you guys have been saying about it in this thread makes it sound promising! Will definitely check it out next episode! Will be interesting to see how Cherie goes :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk :)


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OFFSTAGE: Why Blake Shelton Almost Said No
May 2, 2011; Written by Alison Bonaguro

Now that Blake Shelton is on The Voice, it's all anyone can talk about. As if this show invented television talent shows. It didn't, of course, because American Idol did that. (Or maybe it was The Gong Show that really started it all.) Anyway, Shelton admitted to USA Today that he wasn't really up for that kind of gig. "I was turned off a little by Idol and X Factor. There's judges sitting there, and America rips on competitors," Shelton said. But things are different on the new show for Coach Shelton, and his intentions are good. He wants to help and encourage, not be mean and make fun of people. "I want America to hear the best vocalists out there who maybe are a little bit bashful. I want them to be heard because they're great. If I'm offering someone some advice and taking the time to do it, they can either take it or leave it," he added. He takes his job on the show seriously, and so far seems to have only encouraging words. I think maybe he gets all the nasty mean comments out of his system on Twitter.
CMT : News : OFFSTAGE: Why Blake Shelton Almost Said No


Active member
I don't like the put down of Idol!! If he could sing on Idol, I bet he would take the gig!!

I don't think he is putting down the contestants - he is putting down the format of the show. That the contestants are being judged instead of having just mentors like on The Voice. He is saying the Voice is more about advice and encouragement, not tearing someone down, making fun of them, or whatever. And you can easily see that from the auditions on the Voice - no one is bad or on there just for laughs. They are all serious and can sing, some just dont' have the wow factor to get picked.


Well-known member
I don't like the put down of Idol!! If he could sing on Idol, I bet he would take the gig!!
Although Carrie is fan (obviously), but I think she mentioned that she's not up for Idol mentoring/guest judging as well. Being negative/mean/harsh to contestants might not be something comfortable for many people.... but that doesn't mean it's a diss for Idol.

Also, he doesn't need to be a judge on Idol to be able to perform there in the future. Not sure how that's related...


Active member
After the blind auditions the whole package comes into play just like idol. It is interesting that it is going to have another season in the fall where the x-factor will be premiering. I do think the more contestant shows will eventually burn out the audience and lessen the impact of the winners. I will be glad to get to the audience being able to decide of those that go on in The voice.


New member
I liked the audition rounds of this show... but the battle rounds are ridiculously boring. It's just too slow moving. I'm losing interest fast.