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Two Black Cadillacs On The Mediabase Charts (Blown Away Era)


Active member
I'm going to get out front of this thing right now &'s moving to slow, it won't ever get to #1, why aren't more stations playing it, I think her career is going to be hurt because of this, why are they waiting so long to release the video. I hope I covered all the hand wringing bases up front & now we can enjoy a worry free ride. Thank you, thank you very much.


Obsessed Chart Watcher
It looks like Mediabase has a problem this morning as it is over an hour past the normal update time and there is no morning update.


Staff member
^ Cary was there some panel change yesterday? the afternoon update showed a lager then normal change in spins for songs


Obsessed Chart Watcher
^ Cary was there some panel change yesterday? the afternoon update showed a lager then normal change in spins for songs

I don't see anything unusual. As far as I can tell, the changes between yesterday morning and yesterday evening were all less than 10 spins. If there were a panel change, there would likely be much bigger changes.


Staff member
I don't see anything unusual. As far as I can tell, the changes between yesterday morning and yesterday evening were all less than 10 spins. If there were a panel change, there would likely be much bigger changes.

K, thanks
just seemed like it to me


Well-known member
Wow, two pages and this thread was just started a few hours ago. That's us Carrie fans.;)


New member
Well the final NASCAR race of the 2012 season took place yesterday, and the 2013 season won't start until 14 weeks from yesterday (Feb. 17th), by which time 'Two Black Cadillacs' should be inside the top five.


Active member
Mediabase morning update is in:

TBC (+15 spins, +88k AIs) moves up 1 spot to #49.

Luke's KTG (-16, -56k) continues to plateau as Jake's TOTGA (+71, +419k) closes in on #1 and will get there by this weekend.

Cruise (+74, +678k) at #3 continues its huge daily gains and passes FGIT (-6, -225k). So, FGIT peaks at #3 on Mediabase.

Eric's Creepin' (+20, -167k) at #9 has not performed that strongly during its whole chart run and may peak outside the top 5. ZBB's GIHE (+19, +408k) should pass Eric by this weekend.

Brad's SCZ (+5, +197k) and Taylor's BeA (+8, +183k) are moving very slowly, especially BeA. Kenny's ECP (-23, -298k) at #14 may peak outside the top 10. ECP chart run has been sluggish and digital sales are quite weak.

Two rockets on the chart are Jason's TOWIK (+159, +1228k) at #19 and TBP's BDT (+158, +1292k) at #20. Massive, massive daily gains!


Obsessed Chart Watcher
TBC (+15 spins, +0.088 million AIs) moves up a spot to #49. I expect things to start moving faster in tomorrow's update.

On Hot AC, BA (-3 spins, -0.023 million AIs) remains at #36.


Active member
Excited for this run everyone!!!
Lets keep things light and positive.
Radio is going to love TBC.
Excited excited!!
(btw, don't forget to support DYHwIH at your local stations during the next two months!!)


New member
I'm going to get out front of this thing right now &'s moving to slow, it won't ever get to #1, why aren't more stations playing it, I think her career is going to be hurt because of this, why are they waiting so long to release the video. I hope I covered all the hand wringing bases up front & now we can enjoy a worry free ride. Thank you, thank you very much.



Active member
It was a smash on country radio. She doesn't need a crossover to have a smash. She was competing against a pop song for the fake billboard number one. I'm really confused on why u don't think this song smashed...