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Miranda Lambert "Four the Record" Era


New member

"All Kinds Of Kinds" is one of my favorite songs from FTR; this review sums up how I feel about it, too.

Very cleverly written, and Miranda sings it with just the right amount of humor, like she's having fun while being in on the joke.

I'm actually shocked this was released a single, but extremely happy; it's got Miranda's trademark attitude, and the vocals and storyline are just right.

And I'm also relived Ran's label went with in this instead of a predictable choice (Safe or BITR).

Even though I think FTR is Ran's weakest album, there are still some absolute gems there, and I think songs like this and MBH show Ran is as good as ever when she has the right material.


New member
I love AKOK. I'm surprised that the label went with it as a single. I was totally expecting her duet with Blake to get a single release.

I think EVERYBODY expected the duet to be released, honestly. lol. I know I did, and especially with the way the media has exhausted the hottest celebrity couple angle. I'm not crazy about BITR, though, and I'm thrilled AKOK was released instead.

Watch Blake duet with her on his next album, release it as the lead single, and then it'll go on to win 10 million awards. Haha. (I'm kidding of course, but I don't think we're done with the milking of "Shelbert" just yet).


New member
I don't really like BITR either lol. I think her label is smart to not release the duet because I'm sure they have noticed that people are a bit overwhelmed with the power couple angle at this point.
In all honesty, BITR is my least favorite thing Blake and Ran have recorded together. I really wanted them to release 'Draggin' The River' from one of Blake's six packs.

I hope that if one of the labels sends a duet out as a single that it's a fun song to suit their personalities. I just don't think a power ballad love song (like many Tim and Faith duets) is a good fit for them.


New member
Miranda Lambert‘s Muttnation charity came to the rescue of one special New Jersey animal shelter. The wife of a Philadelphia country station DJ met the superstar backstage during a meet-and-greet in Atlantic City, NJ and told her the story about Popcorn Park Zoo in Forked River, New Jersey. Mike Razz’s wife, Kelly Beasley, approached the singer about the organization because of Miranda’s partnership with Pedigree to feed an animal shelter for a year. Kelly had previously nominated the Zoo for the prize through Muttnation and Pedigree.

Miranda made a $5,000 donation on behalf of Muttnation Foundation to Popcorn Park Zoo after learning that they also served as an animal shelter that housed exotic animals that were abused or neglected. After learning about the background of the Popcorn Park Zoo, Miranda introduced the Philadelphia station to her mother, Bev Lambert, who serves as chair for Muttnation.

Miranda Lambert's Muttnation Foundation donates to NJ Zoo


Well-known member
Has anyone else seen the All Kinds of Kinds music video?

Yes, I just played it, and I really liked it.

I guess, starting with a reso is the way to win me over, Lol - but I enjoyed the way it put the main focus on the singer and her musicians. Much of the time Miranda is just singing to the camera, and obviously enjoying it (her dogs get a look in too!)
The device of different people holding up placards has been used many times in videos - but I think it was right for this song. It let the lyric come across, without distracting from the music. This is the antithesis of "Fastest Girl", where I thought the video was spoilt by an extraneous story line and too much talkover - I much preferred this back to basics approach.

I really wish Mainstream radio would get behind this song more - but I fear that's too much to hope for


Active member
WOW, so Miranda has 2 singles in the top 20... lol, AKOK is not selling at all but she is getting airplay. This is why I don't care for the charts


Active member
The single was dead on arrival but I assume it is going to be forced at least to top10 maybe top5 with no public interest what so ever.

Ok fine.

The duet, though I really don't like it, will get the full push from all angles, as her label will push, his label will push, Idol will want it pushed....2nd single from new album push.

Its just all push from here to the top.