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Miranda Lambert "Four the Record" Era


Active member
I wonder if the Pistol Annies' hiatus was a determining factor in her getting a fifth single.


Active member
I think so!
This is very telling as I think that they know if Miranda takes a break then her nubers will signifacantly hurt as her fanbase is not as steady. (Of course she had fans and will sell but her numbers will be much much lower. Therefore, they released a 5th single to keep her on the spotlight; THEREFORE, expect ML to tie Reba for 4 consecutive FV wins and a three way tie with Martina and Reba for the most wins!) SAD

NC State Carrie Fan

Well-known member
Im not one of those people who trash Miranda cause she rivals Carrie and i actually like her...but this song at best is just an ok album track...terrible terrible single choice


New member
I'm excited Ran is working on a new album; IMO is FTR is her most inconsistent effort, but it still has some absolute gems.

I LOVE "All Kinds Of Kinds" but I never woulld've expected it to be a chosen as a single. I'm relieved to see Miranda's team going with another quality track after 3 underwhelming singles to follow the stellar MBH.

I'm curious to see what's going on with the Pistol Annies; I agree with Patrick that it seems odd they would cancel their entire tour over a personal issue with one member. Why isn't Ashley at least performing with her during the tour? Odd.


Active member
I guess it is just me. But I remember Miranda saying that her last album was "rushed" and so here she goes jumping right into another album again.

and now a new one.......

it just seems like a lot of product coming out that is selling just mediocre.
(as a matter of fact it is feeling more and more like they are shelving PA's all together. I just have a weird feeling about that).

but then I am the guy who thinks that Taylor putting out 3 different fragrences over the course of 4 years is over-saturating. So maybe its just me.


Active member
I guess it is just me. But I remember Miranda saying that her last album was "rushed" and so here she goes jumping right into another album again.

and now a new one.......

it just seems like a lot of product coming out that is selling just mediocre.
(as a matter of fact it is feeling more and more like they are shelving PA's all together. I just have a weird feeling about that).

but then I am the guy who thinks that Taylor putting out 3 different fragrences over the course of 4 years is over-saturating. So maybe its just me.

you are mistaken, it was
PA 1
5th album

too many products and I thinks it's a bad idea because the audience will get bored, give hem time to miss her a little!!!


Active member
Thats right. Between each solo album was a PA album.

I mean i understand the concept of striking while the iron is hot. But it is starting to feel like she went from the hardest working unsung hero of country music to the Product Queen of Country Music almost overnight.

When a project is great and people love it and it has a life of its own (like revolution), than i understand the desire to nurture the lifespan of that project.

And I understand a side project (like PA's) and taking a shot at that and nurturing it.
But it has been several years now of Miranda dropping CD's and promoting herself as much if not more than the actual project itself.

And now we are about to go into a whole new chapter while there seems to be all this unfinished work still in the market place. (5th single, but working on new album / PA's tour cancelled but still promoting the idea of them as besties)


Well-known member
Carrieflattsfan;4463741 I'm curious to see what's going on with the Pistol Annies; I agree with Patrick that it seems odd they would cancel their entire tour over a personal issue with one member. Why isn't Ashley at least performing with her during the tour? Odd.[/QUOTE said:
Ashley is still performing with Miranda on occasion - she posted a link the other night to herself appearing with "my Miranda".
However, she has a solo album to promote, and I think it's imperative that she concentrate on that. (It sometimes seems all her Mainstream projects are fated to hit barriers, but I think she'll persevere, and "Come out like a rose", lol)
At present, she's concentrating on her appearances with Hunter Hayes, and several of her recent fan mesages have been about Willie Nelson's 80th birthday and the event CMT are putting on.

I don't know anymore about the Pistol Annies' situation - odd it certainly is. But I think she'd be reluctant to let it go on as a twosome. There are a couple of sound reasons for that. One is that it was always intended to be a new kind of project, wtth the three women sharing songwriting and singing a verse each with harmony chorus. A twosome would turn that into a conventional duet project, so undermining the central idea. Also, the idea of it being a bridge, both between the Roots/Mainstream sectors and between the songwriter/headline singer worlds would be weakened. An important practical reason is that going ahead as a twosome under the same name would threaten to sabotage hopes of reviving the complete project (at a time when a new album is appearing) You can compare that to the Hounds reluctance to call themselves the Dixie Chicks when there was still any hope of keeping the trio alive.

It may be frustrating for fans - but the best compromise is probably to let Miranda fulfill the dates (she's an established draw in her own right, but obviously not a "cut down" version of the Pistol Annies) Fans who don't want to see her will, I understand, be able to get refunds.


New member
Miranda Lambert?s MuttNation Raises $400,000 for Animals in Need in 2013

There are few people who love animals more than Miranda Lambert. Not only does she take in strays time and time again (and is even moved to tears when animals are in need), she also continually strives to raise money — lots of money — all in the name of four-legged friends.

The Oklahoma resident is deeply involved in her MuttNation Foundation, which recently has been reuniting families with pets lost in the devastating tornadoes that ravaged the Sooner state. MuttNation, which is directed by the songstress’ mom, Bev Lambert, also is committed to finding new homes for pets in need, although if Lambert had it her way, she’d probably take them all in....

Read more at the link posted above


New member
Miranda Lambert?s MuttNation Raises $400,000 for Animals in Need in 2013

There are few people who love animals more than Miranda Lambert. Not only does she take in strays time and time again (and is even moved to tears when animals are in need), she also continually strives to raise money — lots of money — all in the name of four-legged friends.

The Oklahoma resident is deeply involved in her MuttNation Foundation, which recently has been reuniting families with pets lost in the devastating tornadoes that ravaged the Sooner state. MuttNation, which is directed by the songstress’ mom, Bev Lambert, also is committed to finding new homes for pets in need, although if Lambert had it her way, she’d probably take them all in....

Read more at the link posted above

Wow, that's incredible! I love how much Ran and Carrie do for animals.


Well-known member
Although this is not strictly to do with "Four the Record", I hope it's OK to post it here - since I love it, and really wish to post it (but don't think Miranda is allowed to have two current threads!)

Miranda has a track on the John Fogerty tribute album (currently number 7 and rising on the AMA Airplay chart)
She was actually asked to perform on the album's title track - which she says was a great honour
It really brings back the mood and sound of Creedence - I hope some of you like it as much as I do!
