Carrie Underwood Fans

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Single #3 - Two Black Cadillacs


New member
I was expecting DYTAM as the next one, but I'm very excited that TBC was chosen instead. While I like DYTAM for its sweetness, one thing I was worried about it was its ability to keep the momentum of the album. I think TBC will do the job. Plus, the album really has so many potential singles, I won't have violent reaction for most of the songs except perhaps NETY and WAY (OWT I will cringe, but no violent reaction lol).

Love the choices so far!

So the male artists can release one truck/beer song after another. We have Carrie who releases quality songs like BA and TBC, that's all we need. :)

Carrie should write a song about two women killing guys who sing truck/beer songs. lol.


Well-known member
Question! Can someone record TBC from a radio station and make a mp3 and share it with me? because is unavailable in my country and I want to know how sound in radio. :)


Active member
106.1 The Twister is playing TBC right now. They're playing a really cool introduction from Carrie before it airs, too.


New member
I capped it, but the only difference between the CD and this was Carrie talking over it lol. I love that they played the whole thing rather than doing their own radio edit.


Active member
Radio hasn't even been sent an edit yet, that's why they're playing the album version. The power of CARRIE.


Active member
Great now that you posted that video I can no longer get some of these fans stirred up. I will have to think of something else. So much to concoct so little time.

oh thank god. see, thats hilarious. if you were being serious tho, I was going to be concerned haha


Active member
I love this song the most on the album. I think the way she sings this is stunning. I don't really understand all the ins and outs of song writing or the singing of them, just what I like when I hear it. This is the first song I listen to on the album everyday.