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Single #3 - Two Black Cadillacs


New member
I'm very very happy, TBC is amazing, but i still think that would be better if the 3rd single were Do You Think About Me. Anyway, waiting for the epic video...


Well-known member
If OWT ends up being the next single, we know for sure LLA will be the other one. Just look at the album booklet. They all have pics. :p I hope I am wrong, though. She has already released the two best songs off the album. I'm afraid her next single choices won't measure up. Only WAW, for me, could do the job.

Oh wow what an interesting observation! They gave pictures in the album booklet to future singles. Hmmm :)


New member
I have to agree with the choice of TBC..........looks like they are going with the strongest song. It is also a cowrite which is nice. Like DYTAM, but it just is not as powerful a song. Got to keep the momentum going!


Active member
I'm so excited!!! Cannot wait to start hearing this on the radio stations soon! LOVE this song! :D


New member
Two Black Cadillacs is Single # 3!!! What do we all think?

Exciting news - Carrie confirmed TBC as the 3rd single so rather then carry this on the the twitter feed I though I'd start a thread in anticipation of this song and it's video being released.

What do you all think? I am soooo excited this is one of my fave Carrie songs
What do you think they will do for the video?? I hope it's dark like the song and another period piece like JAD maybe a seting like the town in Hart o Dixie
Def has to feature the funeral part in the vid with the two scorned women trying to act normal knowing what they did- I think this should be a dark funeral with dark clouds and rain??


Well-known member
^ I want a dark ominous funeral with thunder and lightning too. And more of a story line then the song gives away. My only complaint with the song is they needed like another verse to give us more details of the story.

I hope the video shows more then just the funeral scene. We need the back story.


New member
Exciting news - Carrie confirmed TBC as the 3rd single so rather then carry this on the the twitter feed I though I'd start a thread in anticipation of this song and it's video being released.

What do you all think? I am soooo excited this is one of my fave Carrie songs
What do you think they will do for the video?? I hope it's dark like the song and another period piece like JAD maybe a seting like the town in Hart o Dixie
Def has to feature the funeral part in the vid with the two scorned women trying to act normal knowing what they did- I think this should be a dark funeral with dark clouds and rain??

I'm merging the threads for the 3rd single but I'll rename the thread to TBC.


New member
I had SUCH a strong feeling that this was going to happen, and I must say that I am not sad about it in the least. Listened to TBC at least five times since the news came today hahaha. While I'm at it, I am gonna go out on a limb and say that CGAS will be #4 and OWT as #5 to finish the era...


Well-known member
Looks like they are following the album flow... Carrie must have also wanted to do all the dark songs first and eventually close out with happy songs...
hopefully they do DYTAM next.. it's the perfect song that balances light and dark... :D And Carrie herself said she loves singing the song...

Anyway, I <3 TBC! was rooting for it to become a single down the road... wasn't expecting this early, but you can't deny it's one of the best and strongest songs in the album... I also like how the choices are slowly becoming countrier with every single... :D Can't wait for the video! :D


Well-known member

Thanks, Ann! I heard it at the top of the hour and it sounds amazing on radio! This song is going to build so much buzz for the entire album. I had rooted for DYTAM as the next single, but this is clearly a brilliant choice at the perfect time. That's why these decisions are made by Carrie and her label. They know what they are doing, indeed!


New member
its good shes going down the dark path liek CARRIE SAID! thats why AVRIL LAVIGNES GOODBYE LULLABY flopped(which i loved) cuz she said it was suppose to be dark and she only released popish trendy songs, only WISH U WERE HERE(ym fav) was the only sad releasedd song and it was too ate :( so good for carrie! plus its the two most powerful songs (tbh i thin ADELES 21 sold basewd ony on RITD and SLY)

now to imagine the album.........;) Carrie should play in the middle of a forest with leaves falling in a black strapless(some white) gown with a huuge bottom and play aka "death' VERY DARK MAKE UP, and have a silent presence at the funeral and prob have a famous actress or two play the wives or even a mae celebrity and have them both have scenes in bed but it should have an intro to the video with the OTHER WOMAN still in bed with him but him leaving and saying "whyd u have to go" but she finds a ring or something :D EXCITEDDDDDDDDDDD


New member
I want to see...



OMG I so see this happening...... this could work completely with this idea. GOOD THINKING!!


New member
I already said in a few posts above that the critics adore this song so I agree with you. Entertainment Weekly called it Deliciously Dark and I think Rollingstone liked it too.

So the critics will like this song.

I just think the conservative fuddy duddies who bashed Carrie for BHC for daring to vandalize property (sinful) will despise this on morality grounds. They will immediately assume she is the wife and kills the bum.
But who cares right? The conservative fuddy duddies were lost after BHC just for vandalizing property-- and gone for good after Last Name's one night stand shotgun wedding. So a little murder won't matter at this point. They already see Carrie as a Scarlett letter anyway. lol

Tee, I say this with affection.... I do pray you have lots and lots and lots of tums and xanax as a carrie fan. You almost make me nervous for you always worrying about what others think. REALLY? Who gives a ****? It's a great song and the fuddy duddies as you say will be drowned out by those who love it. :)


New member
I've made my feelings about my dislike for this song known. I just don't like the musicality of it at all and I don't think it helps her reputation of being more pop than country. I still want her to do well and support her but I don't like this decision at all.

Wow, as one who staddles that line of calling her leaning to much on pop... I couldn't disagree with you more. That is to me a really good contemporary country song. Lyrically, muscially and dramatically. Strange the language of music and how it talks to us all so differently.