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Single #3 - Two Black Cadillacs


Well-known member
I want to see...



This would be perfect! Carrie joined by an A-list actress in a co-starring role would build huge buzz for the single and the album. And we know that Reese loves Carrie and her music, based on comments she has made to the press about taking her daughter to see Carrie in concert. I'm sure if Reese was asked, she would jump at the opportunity. I love this idea! :)


New member
I already said in a few posts above that the critics adore this song so I agree with you. Entertainment Weekly called it Deliciously Dark and I think Rollingstone liked it too.

So the critics will like this song.

I just think the conservative fuddy duddies who bashed Carrie for BHC for daring to vandalize property (sinful) will despise this on morality grounds. They will immediately assume she is the wife and kills the bum.

But who cares right? The conservative fuddy duddies were lost after BHC just for vandalizing property-- and gone for good after Last Name's one night stand shotgun wedding. So a little murder won't matter at this point. They already see Carrie as a Scarlett letter anyway. lol

Tee, just what song is Carrie's most popular, recognizable single?

Please don't worry. TBC is incredible. My 87 year old "adopted mom" loves it and she is very religious. :)
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New member
^^ She thoroughly enjoyed Carrie's ENTIRE concert. I thought it would be too "loud", and maybe too much 'commotion' for her. But, if she wasn't standing, she was literally sitting on the edge of her seat. I have a pic of her, but she made me promise that I wouldn't post it (or I definitely would!). :)


Active member
here are my new predictions for singles:

1. Good Girl
2. Blown Away
3. 2BC (release dec/jan)
4. One Away Ticket (release around May, peak in Summer. huge summer hit)
5. DYTAM (fall 2013)
6. Wine After Whiskey (album closer)


Well-known member
here are my new predictions for singles:

1. Good Girl
2. Blown Away
3. 2BC (release dec/jan)
4. One Away Ticket (release around May, peak in Summer. huge summer hit)
5. DYTAM (fall 2013)
6. Wine After Whiskey (album closer)

Considering stations are already spinning TBC, I'm pretty sure the release date will be very soon :)


New member
Playing Carrie Underwood's new single 'Two Black Cadillacs' right now on @BUZN1029. Love this jam...

She's morning show host. Minneapolis, MN


New member
I tweeted Shayne Wells thanking her for playing TBC & how much I love it. She responded:

@Okies4Carrie Me too! I have a feelin' we'll be playing that one a lot :) cc: @BUZN1029

Love to hear feedback from the radio peeps!


New member
I knew it!! This is awesome news. Like lots of us, I LOVE DYTAM and really want it to be a single (It's my favorite of the moment from the album, but my mood always changes!) But I knew TBC just HAD to be a is so epic!


New member
I would rather Carrie as the narrator in the video, maybe as a friend of the dead man narrating the story during the funeral. I always imagine two actresses as his wife and mistress and I always imagine Gwyneth Paltrow and Reese Witherspoon in the video.


Active member
I would rather Carrie as the narrator in the video, maybe as a friend of the dead man narrating the story during the funeral. I always imagine two actresses as his wife and mistress and I always imagine Gwyneth Paltrow and Reese Witherspoon in the video.

The video would be nowhere near as juicy if Carrie wasnt one of the ladies


Staff member
I would rather Carrie as the narrator in the video, maybe as a friend of the dead man narrating the story during the funeral. I always imagine two actresses as his wife and mistress and I always imagine Gwyneth Paltrow and Reese Witherspoon in the video.

Carrie has got to play one of the ladies,I just can't see Carrie as a friend of that cheating mongrel.

Reese would be great as the other one.If they can't get her Julianne Hough wouldn't be a bad choice.


Active member
Playing Carrie Underwood's new single 'Two Black Cadillacs' right now on @BUZN1029. Love this jam...

She's morning show host. Minneapolis, MN
Yep she's on the new upstart country station in the Twin Cities. They're trying to take the thunder from KEEY and I think they'll end up giving that station a run for their money. And after who KEEY's two morning djs picked to win FVOTY, I hope that the BUZN creams KEEY!!!!


New member
Usually when country artists sing dark songs with deep or sad or controversial stories, they choose to be a narrator while there are actors playing the characters in the story. However, Carrie has shown in her videos, such as Blown Away, Before He Cheats, Temporary Home, Just a Dream, and Wasted, that she is not that kind of artist and prefers to be connected with her music. The thing I really want to know is whether she'll be the wife or the mistress.


Active member
Funny you say "not knowing what they are hearing, they just hear Blown Away".
I saw a little girl the other day, she could not have been more than 7, looking at Carries song book for "Blown Away".
And she is standing there completely absorbed by it, singing out "Blownn Awayyyyyyyyyyyy"!
IT was hilerious. She mumbled evey other word but when she got to the big note "BLOWN AWAYYYYYYYY".
We laughed about it all day at work!
(btw, no way this little girl knew what she was singing about, nor did her mom mostlikely)