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Single #3 - Two Black Cadillacs


Well-known member
anyone think they'll shoot the video this week? Carrie has off Nov 5 & 6 ,short hop from NC back to TN.And she does like to get he videos out early in a songs chart run.

I was thinking she might shoot the video those 2 days too. She can't do it AMA weekend as she will need to rehearse, fly to LA, etc. So this works better.

Then she has Jimmy fallon 11/8. Does Jimmy go live or is it taped?


New member
So with the actress Mrs Tennessee that was hired to play "the lead role"-- do you think Carrie is just the narrator this time? I really wanted Carrie to act again as she did so well in Blown Away.

I kind of hope they go retro, and have the Cadillacs from the 1950s or whatever. It would be cooler if they weren't dressed for 2012. For some reason-- I really prefer when Carrie does retro videos like JAD or CC. :)

there is still the other female part. last time i checked there is a wife AND a mistress TWO female roles NOT just one not unless Brittany is going to play both females parts carrie is going to act in the video that or they are going to hire another female to act in the video. lol


Active member
I've been in a tizzy for several hours and I'm leaving it up to you all to convince me its all for naught!!!! You know how LBT came out with Tornado and we were concerned it was too much like BA before we listened and I personally feel they are nothing alike so no worries. Well, at the CMA's TBP sang their new song, Better Dig Two, I was rather intrigued but didn't know why as couldn't hear the words very good but liked the beat of it so checked it out on Itunes. I'm finding it so similar to TBC - the difference is this is a dark song about if her husband gets an idea about somebody they better dig two holes as she couldn't live seeing him with someone else-which implies she'll do him in also. Has anybody else listened to this and am I fretting for Carrie for no reason. Want Carrie to get that video out really quick as not sure what direction TBP will go.


Active member
There's no reason to frett bc a) were talking about Carrie underwood and b) the songs don't actually sound alike. Plus, TBC is about a murder. Isn't BDT about a wife saying she'll kill herself if her husband dies first?


Active member
Oh my gosh, maybe my quick listen was too quick!!! I found them both rather dark and about death but I do believe I better go listen to the words better - SORRY!! I just worry about Carrie too much. Didn't want anyone taking any of the excitement away from her next single!!!


Active member
I can tell I'm going to worry about this one regardless - it seems to be pretty popular on Itunes, its getting introduced before Carrie was able to perform TBC - don't know if either are being played on the radio yet and I'm just a flat worrier when it comes to Carrie -don't like anyone stealing her thunder - she tries and works too hard and lately isn't getting the rewards from the country community as far as I'm concerned! The Band Perry are pretty popular too and this one has a petty catchy tune to it!


Active member
My take is that a love triangle involving 3 women would create unnecessary controversy and/or chatter, and would detract from the song itself. The lyrics contain enough intrigue at face value. The melody and instrumentation are awesome. TBC is one of Carrie's best co-writes. :)

Based on the second stanza, the main/lead character is the wife. I think Carrie will play the mistress. The man will probably be some dark character in the shadow (a la Cowboy Casanova) such that you can not make out who it is. But that is not important anyway.


New member
LOL guys what I meant was the wife thought the husband cheated on them with another woman (and vice versa). Little did they know there was another woman (the 3rd one) involved, and at the end of the video when they finished "throwing a handful of dirt into the deep ground" and were leaving suddenly another black cadillac arrived and she (Carrie can play this one) came out of the car and the first two women could act all shocked.

Ha ha even when I was typing I think it sounds ridiculous :p


New member
But she says "HE'S not the only one..." :(

I would have rather liked that :D

As if Carrie always sticks strictly to the storyline of a song.

LOL guys what I meant was the wife thought the husband cheated on them with another woman (and vice versa). Little did they know there was another woman (the 3rd one) involved, and at the end of the video when they finished "throwing a handful of dirt into the deep ground" and were leaving suddenly another black cadillac arrived and she (Carrie can play this one) came out of the car and the first two women could act all shocked.
Ha ha even when I was typing I think it sounds ridiculous :p

I like my idea better. ;D


Staff member
I've been in a tizzy for several hours and I'm leaving it up to you all to convince me its all for naught!!!! You know how LBT came out with Tornado and we were concerned it was too much like BA before we listened and I personally feel they are nothing alike so no worries. Well, at the CMA's TBP sang their new song, Better Dig Two, I was rather intrigued but didn't know why as couldn't hear the words very good but liked the beat of it so checked it out on Itunes. I'm finding it so similar to TBC - the difference is this is a dark song about if her husband gets an idea about somebody they better dig two holes as she couldn't live seeing him with someone else-which implies she'll do him in also. Has anybody else listened to this and am I fretting for Carrie for no reason. Want Carrie to get that video out really quick as not sure what direction TBP will go.

I see how they're a tiny bit similar, but not much.Ones about a crazy possessive person, and the other about getting revenge on a spouse/lover who cheated.

And the lesbian idea for the video would indeed be so delicious but being Carrie & country music never gonna happen.They'll stick with the traditional cheating man plot I'm sure.:p