Carrie Underwood Fans

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Single #3 - Two Black Cadillacs


New member
It's so amazing! I had just pulled into my apartments -- I rolled down the window & cranked it up ---ahhhh...SO GOOD!!!!


Active member
I was out of home all day, and I just came here.
And I found this...


I was hoping for WAW to get released.
But TBC is an amazing song!
Great choice.


New member
You guys are doing it wrong! Now that we just barely found out the third single, we should be anxiously awaiting the fourth one, trying to guess which one it will be and constantly asking Carrie for information on that one. :p


New member
If OWT ends up being the next single, we know for sure LLA will be the other one. Just look at the album booklet. They all have pics. :p I hope I am wrong, though. She has already released the two best songs off the album. I'm afraid her next single choices won't measure up. Only WAW, for me, could do the job.