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2020 CMA Awards


Well-known member
It would very much for me. Just because Carrie has done everything to get it for about 10 years now embodying everything the award represents. And Miranda is not even close with any and all considerations for what an EOTY looks like. So it would always be a no for me for ML. But I know a lot of people feel like everyone should be allowed to have it just for showing up. So.... I stayed quiet long ago. And will again....(well, after this! Wink!)

This.... Carrie has if anyone in the whole industry has dominated in for years..... If the award was truly given for its true intent, Carrie would not lose.....

Who has always pissed me off and a thorn to my side is WME.....


Well-known member
I honestly think it would hurt Miranda to win before or instead of Carrie, too. She's been so proud of her and vocal in her support of Carrie to win. The entire industry knows she should have this by now. I don't know who wins this, but nothing in me says it will be Miranda. I think Luke Combs has the best chance, Garth anointed him last year, so the voters have to listen to him.


Well-known member
For me it has nothing to do with Miranda... For me it is WME... I always felt for Miranda when she would go up for those FVOTY awards knowing that Carrie was the one most deserving of it.....

Yes the industry knows who should have it and should have for years... Tell that to WME......


Well-known member
I honestly think it would hurt Miranda to win before or instead of Carrie, too. She's been so proud of her and vocal in her support of Carrie to win. The entire industry knows she should have this by now. I don't know who wins this, but nothing in me says it will be Miranda. I think Luke Combs has the best chance, Garth anointed him last year, so the voters have to listen to him.

Yeah...unfortunately there is a strange fascination with Luke Combs I do not understand. All his songs race up the charts in an insanely fast manner (how would radio even have time to test it, etc?), and now he'll be taking the award shows too. Someone on Pulse had a good comment about him, he's the second coming of Garth Brooks.


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Well-known member
I'm hoping Miranda being nominated as well does not cancel Carrie out by splitting the vote. We know voters usually love her, after all.
My cousin facetimed me while she was at a Luke Combs concert before the pandemic hit for about 20 minutes. No joke, he was literally just walking back and forth with his drink the ENTIRE time. Maybe I am just annoyed more so because he is so overexposed and people like that type of branding, but I don't get how that is entertaining. I think he is with CAA not WME though but he is the new Garth I guess. It just sucks because anytime CU is against WME, her chances deteriorate instantly. I will feel better about the CMAs if she at least wins at the ACMs.


Well-known member
Part of me thinks even if Miranda wins (I don’t think she will), that she’d have something to say about Carrie being overlooked in her speech. I think even Miranda wants it to go to Carrie this year, just like we do. I mean the woman literally blatantly stayed seated when Garth won last year while everyone else was standing on the front row.


Active member
I want Carrie to win but on a second thought if Miranda wins I won't be mad. I mean last year she was so supportive towards Carrie that I can't get mad with her.


Well-known member
Part of me thinks even if Miranda wins (I don’t think she will), that she’d have something to say about Carrie being overlooked in her speech. I think even Miranda wants it to go to Carrie this year, just like we do. I mean the woman literally blatantly stayed seated when Garth won last year while everyone else was standing on the front row.

Yeah, Miranda isn't this villain some try to make her out to be. She's one of Carrie's biggest cheerleaders, and Carrie is one of hers.
I'm glad to see Miranda's name in the entertainer of the year section. It's pretty pathetic it's been 40 years since 2 solo females were nominated together. I have no expectations and don't expect any Carrie wins.


Active member
Has UMG put out an ad congratulating their artist or any mention of it? I’ve seen Sony and Warner. I feel like UMG just misses the moments for some reason.


Well-known member
Has UMG put out an ad congratulating their artist or any mention of it? I’ve seen Sony and Warner. I feel like UMG just misses the moments for some reason.

I’m not sure though I noticed neither Miranda or Carrie had anything to say about their EOTY nominations (or any)


Well-known member
Idk about Miranda but Carrie is probably so used to getting snub that she probably doesn’t want to get her hopes up and then be crushed. It’s kinda like me when I have something fun coming up that I look forward to for weeks sometimes months only for it to get canceled last minute and this was pre 2020 pre corona


Active member
I’m not sure though I noticed neither Miranda or Carrie had anything to say about their EOTY nominations (or any)

I kept looking for Carrie to say something, but correct me if I’m wrong, she didn’t say anything last year either did she?
Last year she filmed a video and everything and we all know where that got her...saying anything about noms has a .0000001% chance of influencing anything.