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2020 CMA Awards


Staff member

I need to try not to get my hopes up because this just made me feel like it could FINALLY be her’s pathetic when my first thought is “wow, without Garth she might actually have a shot!”


Staff member
And strangely enough, Mr. Ego got shut out as well!!!!
take your name out for one you take it pout for all, plus he did nothing to deserve and noms.
Bet he's shocked though that Trisha didn't get one. He was really pushing her.


Well-known member
I need to try not to get my hopes up because this just made me feel like it could FINALLY be her’s pathetic when my first thought is “wow, without Garth she might actually have a shot!”

Don't count on it. They'll give it to Miranda so they can pretend they aren't sexism incorporated then go back to their good ol boy habits.


Active member
take your name out for one you take it pout for all, plus he did nothing to deserve and noms.
Bet he's shocked though that Trisha didn't get one. He was really pushing her.
I was being sarcastic because at least for the last few years, I don't believe he had any other nominations!!! It wouldn't surprise me to learn that he was upset that he didn't get nominated!!!!


Well-known member
Also I think Miranda made if for Entertainer because Garth is out of competition, that's the only explantion..


Well-known member
I think they're trying to make up for the lack of female nominees in the EOTY category in the past years, and Miranda seems like the only other candidate for that. If they give it to Carrie this year, I'll be happy but can't help but feel like it'll just be a consolation prize.
It’s such a strange and honestly sad situation because some people on twitter are saying how happy they are that two females are nominated. However, just the fact that Miranda got nominated is going to hurt Carrie’s chances which people don’t seem to think about. Don’t want this to come across wrong but consider...

1) WME
2) Miranda having the overall political machine behind her
3) Twisted voters probably voting for Miranda as a screwed up way to spite Carrie (with how things go with that show, there’s a high chance of this happening).

Also, it would be nice if they could do a listening party for My Gift like they did with Cry Pretty because that went over well with the voters I think in 2018. Doubt with COVID it’ll happen though.