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[Feb 12] The 54th Annual Grammy Awards (Official Discussion Thread)


Active member
OMG, of I had to really guess based on the placement and angle of the camera I would have to say....
"It Looks Like Front Row"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats huge for Carrie.

Agree. Given the spacing of the rows of chairs, Carrie's in the front row. If it's not the front row, some of Carrie' seat would have been blocked, but we get a full view of Carrie's seat.


Active member
Agree. Given the spacing of the rows of chairs, Carrie's in the front row. If it's not the front row, some of Carrie' seat would have been blocked, but we get a full view of Carrie's seat.

Exactly...There's no way they could have angled the camera such that we get a clear view of both seats, unless they're in the front row. Otherwise either the chairs ahead would've been blocking them, or they'd have had to go so close to the seats that either one seat would not fir in the frame.


Well-known member
Tony is for sure on the first row! It would be ''disrespectful'' to put him somewhere else!

So I'll assume Queen Carrie is on the first row too :)


New member
I noticed that Carrie's name was not on the 'Presenters' list Tee posted....I thought Carrie was presenting or introducing a tribute to the singer who sang 'At Last' and recently died and whose name escapes me....wait is it Etta James?


Active member
No, we did not know that for sure.
Carter tweeted that and then tweeted the "performance" so we should probably assume at this point that he "mis"tweeted.
It would be a surprise if she were presenting.


Well-known member
Yeah tony bennett has like 14 grammys. He is getting front row! :)

This is great! Carrie has never had front row before!


Active member
Front row is almost more than I can hope for.
I better just wait and see. I don't wanna get my hopes up.
Even for a very confident carriefan front row is too much to ask for.


Well-known member
I am so happy Carrie is sitting next to Tony! I wonder if Mike will sit next to Carrie as well, if he attends.