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[Feb 12] The 54th Annual Grammy Awards (Official Discussion Thread)


Active member
Hopefully Carrie will be apart of Clive's 'class photo' he does every year. I missed seeing her last year -- who she's sitting by etc.!

And isn't it amazing (it isn't really) that even after the supposeded quiet year that Carrie had last year, that she's at the top of several people's 'must see' 2012 Grammy performances lists????


Well-known member
Agree, I forgot all about that Class Photo in People Mag. Carrie will definitely be part of that again. Love it!


Active member
Does anyone know if the labels pay for their artists to get performance slots on the Grammy show? Do the artists get paid for performing or is it considered an honor just to be asked and you get the bonus of promotion for yourself?

I thought I heard the other day, either right before or right after the superbowl, that the performers of the NA and ATB don't get paid for that. I thought that was kinda cool when you consider how much money is earned just during the game itself via the commercials.


Active member
Shouldn't they announce all the performers and presenters by now? I am confused, I personally don't care as Carrie was announced already, but you would think thjey would announce it by now!


Well-known member
Nice! I am on my iphone so i cant blow that seating chart up. Can you tell if carrie is in the front few rows? She had a bad seat last time several rows back and they never showed her much on tv. Hoping her seat is better now as she is next to tony bennett. They wouldnt stick him in the back.

Tx for posting that!

Ps who else is carrie near besides tony?


Active member
Wow, you talk about seated right in the middle of it.
That is amazing.
Alicia Keys "behind" her. Sorry, but I had to go there.


Active member
Does anyone know if the labels pay for their artists to get performance slots on the Grammy show? Do the artists get paid for performing or is it considered an honor just to be asked and you get the bonus of promotion for yourself?

I thought I heard the other day, either right before or right after the superbowl, that the performers of the NA and ATB don't get paid for that. I thought that was kinda cool when you consider how much money is earned just during the game itself via the commercials.
Thats a tricky one.
It's all a yes/no kind of thing.
CeeLo Blake Miranda Kelly Adam being sprinkled throughout the Superbowl was promo for The Voice. The artists themselves are agreeing to these while big corporate hands are being shaked all over town.
So while artists like Adam or Kelly are not being paid, the big machine of their careers is grinding into overtime which equals money to them in facetime which for the labels management and artists themselves hopefully adds up to CD sales/concert tours product sales endorsements.
There was not a second of what we saw on NBC Sunday that was not a planned push for the network and those under it.
Frankly, I have never seen a Superbowl so "overpumped" with promo and push for product.
NBC is going to make The Voice a hit or go broke trying!
Anyway, it is the same with the Grammys. You can call it an honor (and it usually is for the artist as a person) but it really is again corporate organizations shaking hands and agreeing to place thier product (the artist) in the show.
Seating is also a big deal. Even that is a major endorsement for the artists and labels so those spots are very covetted.
And though the producers and directors of the show decide who sits where you can be absolutely sure that there is "motivation" to place certain people in certain spots, while also taking into consideration that the Grammys producers want the most influencial artists closest to the cameras.
It's all quite a dance.


Active member
IT doesn't look like front, no.
But I see a "..keys" sign two rows back (Wink)!

no its front row. They're not going to put Tony bennetr in any other row but front row, they especially wouldn't put him burried into the row where no one could see him if he wasnt in the first row.


Active member
Do winners sit in front?
They don't know who the winners are beforehand. The results are sealed and under the protection of some national accounting firm!!!!

And Tee, truthfully, its hard to tell from this picture if Carrie & Tony are sitting in the front row but if I had to guess I'd say they would be pretty close to the front if not in the front row.


Active member
no its front row. They're not going to put Tony bennetr in any other row but front row, they especially wouldn't put him burried into the row where no one could see him if he wasnt in the first row.
Not sure about that front row. Let me go look again.


Active member
no its front row. They're not going to put Tony bennetr in any other row but front row, they especially wouldn't put him burried into the row where no one could see him if he wasnt in the first row.
OMG, of I had to really guess based on the placement and angle of the camera I would have to say....
"It Looks Like Front Row"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats huge for Carrie.


New member
Welcome Carriefans to our Annual rendition of MUSICAL CHAIRS...
I hope Carrie is sitting in the 2nd row because everyone in the front row are put there just to throw everyone off.... LOL


New member
I have a feeling that Carrie doesn't care where she's sitting. She is just honerd just to be sitting in that room especially since it's next to Tony.
Can't wait to hear what special moment Carrie creates for her fans this time. The Grammy's are smart to have her perform it has to mean at least a rating point. I know I wouldn't watch if she wasn't performing.