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Out of that Truck chart updates

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Well-known member
Yeah, great spin update for sure! In this case I’m actually glad to see it have good spin updates because it means it’s not just getting powered up by westwood, it’s an organic good update. Love it!


Well-known member
Literally what the heck? Update makes zero sense - a great audience gain but a bad spins loss. There has to be some explanation for that. I guess it’s still a good thing it had a good audience gain.


Well-known member
Taking a look at the chart, for some reason nearly every woman is having a bad week this week.

Gabby is down two spots and has a bullet of 2, Lainey, Carrie, Megan, and Carly all have a bullet under 100. I’m not sure why, but many of these songs (specifically Gabby and Lainey) had very high bullets last week, so something is going on.


Well-known member
Glad to see a spin gain again! Now let’s see another update with the great audience gains we’ve had this week (100K+ every day but one) and + spins
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